Wendy and I have known each other for a long time

Created by Mandi 6 years ago
Mandi – I just received your notice of Wendy’s passing and am heartbroken.  She and I were almost twins, having been born in July 1939.  Both your parents meant so very much to me – since we first met as neighbors in 1965.  I was unable to access the memorial page, and having so little computer technical knowledge, have no idea how to go about that.  But please know that my thoughts are with you, Penney and Brett, and that the many times we have been in each other’s company, along with your parents, during the past 53 years, are vivid in my memory still and some of the days I treasure most.  After returning to the States following 3-1/2 years in England at RAF Lakenheath, I returned many times to visit, almost always including time at “Allsorts.”  Wendy always planned special events and outings for me and we had such fun!  Her hospitality knew no bounds.  And how could I ever forget the two weeks on Cyprus I spent with all of you?  I can still see Wendy ironing away in “Bretts,” your beautiful holiday home.
Perhaps you could add the above to the memorial page for me.  In friendship and with love, Jeannie McGuire